Sunday, November 8, 2009
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009
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Monday, September 7, 2009
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This is an invitation to all those who wish to participate in the process ascension of our beloved Earth and make our Light and our Love in this great event .
We have lived in the appearance of duality, division and separation and this error should be corrected. It is in the awareness that we are part of an indivisible whole and perfect where we find the key our implementation and the entire planet.
A stream of light, love poured by a large numbers of people connected to the source, running all the strength of feeling and thinking towards the same goal is to achieve extraordinary results and progress. It is also possible to stop financial disasters, pandemics, and any global threat the same way.
As humanity, we are called the days September 8, 2009 to participate in a large planetary healing event, where codes are reset regenerative Mother / Father Earth as a final act to achieve a critical mass of individuals who are strongly committed to achieving this result. We consider that the healing of the planet is also our individual healing. As above, so below.
On 8 September has for centuries been a day of celebration of the female deity in many parts of the West and that is why you have chosen this date. PROCEDURE
In all places where persons are persons or groups willing to join this great chain of activation, we propose the following activities:
At noon and in the place where they are (referring to local time), have 20 minutes to make this powerful co-creative act with the Source and the other beings who are integrating this network. CHURCHES ARE NOT REQUIRED OR ALTAR OR NOTHING BUT THE SINCERE DESIRE TO PARTICIPATE.
First Flower On Fourth Light Portal
quieting body and mind we bring attention to the pineal gland which is a small gland located at the center of the brain and is an antenna that connects us to God when we know that its true function ( male principle). Ordered that his light on and expand to the outside of the head.
Second this light is to connect to the Light Source, expressed as lightning arcoíricos taking all our attention to the source and keep it there for the rest of the activity.
Third accept A-MOR de la Fuente in us through our breath. We envision two beams:
Fourth feel now all the rays pass arcoíricos from the Source of our arms and head towards the planet's surface thus building a grid of protection around him invincible.
Fifth visualize a violet ray of mail that surrounds us and sealed us from under the feet up over your head. From this moment, we have agreed to our self-love and light, and we are able to co-create with Source.
Sixth to co-create the light we now reintensified pineal center which in turn ignites the pituitary center (another small gland in our brain located between the frontal lobes and is the feminine principle to become a Matrix Cosmic ) and visualize it lit up like a flower of light that shines occupying the pineal-pituitary center. In the center we see emerging a flame arcoírica that surrounds us and lifts us towards the Champs Superior Building to make our event co-creative planetary healing. Seventh
: visualize (or intentionally, is the same) to our planet enveloped in a blaze of violet flame and give creative order that the flame that is the power of love and transmutation, dissolve and consume energy every wound caused by selfishness, hatred, war, pain and all the mistakes humans and non-creative than she has been subjected . With all the creative power of our feelings. We
this display at least five minutes.
DISPLAY VICTORIA activation end up replacing everything that has been dissolved and consumed by Golden Light, which descends directly from the Source, Victoria Alchemical feeling for our planet now view as a great Golden Sun Victorious . Thank
before the end of planetary activation Sorry
Saturday, September 5, 2009
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to change behavior.
A little over twenty years, Joe Dispenza (one of the masters of "The Secret"), was hit by an SUV while participating in a triathlon. The diagnosis of the four surgeons consultation agreed, had to undergo surgery immediately, had to set up bars Harrington (20 to 30 centimeters from the base of the neck to the base of the spine), because the CT showed that the bone was injured and may be halted at any time.
Dispenza, who was a chiropractor, knew very well what that meant: a permanent disability and, very probably, with a constant pain. His decision was risky: I would try to help your body to recover naturally, knew everything about the bones and muscles and devised a plan of action that included self-hypnosis, meditation, a diet that will help your bones to regenerate and certain exercises in the water. Fully recovered in record time and decided to delve into the subject.
For eight years, study spontaneous remissions of diseases and the results surprised him so much that he decided to return to college to try to scientifically explain what he had discovered: the power of our brain as executive director of the body.
Joe Dispenza studied biochemistry at Rutgers University in New Brunswickle, New Jersey, earned a doctorate in Chiropractic at Life University in Atlanta, where he graduated magna cum laude and received the Clinical Proficiency Award Citation for the outstanding quality of their relationship with patients. Member of the International Chiropractic Honor Society, has completed postgraduate studies in neurology, neurophysiology, brain function, cell biology, genetics, memory, brain chemistry, aging and longevity. Since 1997 he has lectured at more than ten thousand people in 17 countries on five continents. In late May, speaking in Madrid and Barcelona to coincide with the English edition of his book Develop your brain.
"We can change the mindset to create new wiring in the brain and strengthen our thinking" How
started to look at the brain?
I interviewed hundreds of people who have been diagnosed with diseases, benign and malignant tumors, heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disorders, hypertension, high cholesterol, musculoskeletal pain, rare genetic disorders for which medical science has no solution ...- but whose body has regenerated itself without the aid of a conventional medical intervention such as surgery or drugs.
Note that one of the main causes of such spontaneous remissions was that had changed his mind, so I went back to college and made the career of neuroscience to explain what happened. When I say that our thoughts literally become matters, I rely on the purest scientific vanguard. Basically, these individuals changed the neurological architecture of your brain. Stimulating curiosity
All those people who had a spontaneous remission shared four specific qualities. The first is that all accepted, believed and understood that there was a higher intelligence in them, no matter whether the call divine, spiritual or subconscious. The second is that all agreed that it was their own thoughts and their own reactions that created the disease, and I can speak and cite studies on any of these topics for half an hour. There is a burgeoning scientific field called psycho-neuroinmunolo strategy that demonstrates the connection between mind and body.
I believe you, but move forward in its conclusions.
The third common feature is that each person decided to reinvent itself to become one, and current studies in neuroscience show that this is entirely possible. Finally, they had in common that during the period when trying to meditate or imagine that they wanted to become, there were times that long lost track of time and space.
What does that mean?
The frontal lobe is 40% percent of the entire brain, and when we're really focused or targeted, the frontal lobe acts as a volume control. As has connections to all other parts of the brain, I can reduce the amount of time and space. In other words, the circuits that have to do to move your body, feel, perceive what is outside and feel the time passing background, and the thought becomes the experience itself, is more real than anything else . Thus the frontal lobe removes everything that is not a priority to focus in a single thought, and then remake the brain wiring.
How do they translate? That
what we think and what we focus our attention more often is what defines a neurological scale.
A recent study shows that great ideas come when you're relaxed, thinking about other things.
between intention and surrender. It was once believed that the right brain is the emotional or sentimental, the creative side and the left, the rational or logical. But in fact, the right brain is responsible for processing the cognitive development, new ideas that, when it is already stored, when they become family, go to the left side of the brain. Is what is known as cognitive routine.
Is changing gears the car?
All these things we do without thinking, yes. That is the reason that when a neophyte listener to hear music the right brain, but a professional musician do with the left. This means we have the opportunity to learn new things and remember, is the way in which the evolution of making known the unknown. We can change our mentality. By creating new wiring and strengthen our thinking, giving them priority, we do not use tend to disappear.
You speak of spiritual intelligence, what is that, as explained from a scientific point of view?
There is nothing mystical about it. This is the same intelligence that organizes and regulates all body functions. This strength makes our heart beat steadily over a hundred thousand times each day without us even thinking about it, and is responsible for the sixty-seven liver functions, although most people do not even know that this organ performs many tasks. This intelligence knows how to keep order among the cells, tissues, organs and body systems, because it was she who created the body from two individual cells.
"The power that causes the body is the power that maintains and healthy?
The brain can change the brain because it is only an organ, and the mind can change the brain because it is a product of the brain. So there must be something that is operating in the brain to change the mentality.
How to define that something?
Ja, ja, ja, that's a very philosophical question, two bottles of wine and maybe four hours, because it is the pursuit of being. But at the moment is curiously science that allows us to explain that we do have control over our minds and our brains, that is, we are not a fact of our biological processes but a cause. Basically, beyond my studies of spontaneous remission of disease, I try to convey is that our thoughts cause chemical reactions that lead to addiction behaviors and feelings and when we learn how to create such ill will habits, we can not only break, but also reprogram and evolve our brain to appear in our lives new behaviors.
What genetic predestination?
The cutting-edge scientific research is showing that genetics has the same brain plasticity. Genes are like switches, and chemical state in which we live that causes some others are turned on and off. There has been a very interesting study in Japan with insulin-dependent patients that showed type two patients on comedy shows normalized their blood sugar level without insulin. Twenty-four genes activated only by the fact laugh. Genes are just plastic that our tissue neuronal.
"Every time we make chemicals?
That's right, and these substances are in turn signals that allow us to feel exactly as we were thinking. So if you have a thought of unhappiness, after a few seconds you feel unhappy. The problem is that when we begin to feel the way we think, we started thinking of how we feel, and that produces even more chemistry.
A vicious circle.
Yes, and so you create what we call the state of being. The repetition of these signs means that some genes are activated and others off. Memorize this state as our personality, so the person says, "I'm an unhappy, negative, or full of guilt" but in reality the only thing he has done is to memorize chemical continuity and defined as such. Our body gets used to the levels of chemicals circulating in our bloodstream, flooding around our cells and our brain. Any disturbance in the chemical composition constant, regular and comfortable in our body will result in an upset.
We hooked our internal chemistry.
Yes, we'll just about everything that is in our hands, both consciously and unconsciously, and from what we feel, to restore our usual chemical balance. It is when the body rules over the mind.
you proposing to change brain chemistry with our thinking?
is a part of my job not just about changing the brain chemistry, brain circuits also, the wiring. If we can force the brain to think with other patterns or sequences, we are creating a new mind. The principle of neuroscience is that if neuronal cells are active together, intertwine creating a more permanent connection. A person with a situation, however new it is, uses that connection, ie repeats the same thought over and over again and gives the same answers, your brain does not change lives with the same mind every day.
How to break the cycle?
Through the process of knowledge and experience we can change the brain. It's a good idea to consider that we can change constantly within us. If every morning to pose us what is the best idea we have of ourselves, we would have another kind of world.
What questions should make us to feel otherwise?
Most people believe that emotions are real. Emotions and feelings are the end product, the result of our experiences. If no new experiences or experienced otherwise, we always lived in the update of past feelings. This is the same chemical process over again. A question that would help change is: what a feeling I have each day to excuse me for not changing? If people start to say: I can eliminate the guilt, shame, feelings of not deserving, worthlessness ....; if we can eliminate these destructive emotional states, we begin to liberate us, because these are the emotional states that compel us to behave like animals with large stores of memory. What is the greatest ideal of myself? What I can change myself to be a better person? Who in history I admire and emulate?
But knowing who want to be is not enough to change your wiring.
No. Knowledge is what precedes experience. Learning is a customized and applied information. We must change our behavior to have a new experience which in turn creates new emotions. Knowledge is for the mind, experience, body. We must teach the body so the mind has understood intellectually. If we keep repeating that experience, is filed on a new system in the brain, and that can go from thinking to doing, being.
The next step is to change behavior, there must be action.
The rooms are larger than we have to break is to be ourselves, because the neuroscience and psychology say that personality is already formed before age 35, that means we have the circuits made to face any situation and therefore, we think, feel and act the same way the rest of our days. But recent studies show that it is possible to change the personality at all stages of life, for that we must make the unconscious habit a conscious, become conscious of those unconscious thoughts and feelings.
"That's 20 years of psychoanalysis?
Although come to understand intellectually that your father was very controlling, does not change your condition. The first step is always to learn. As we learn new information and begin to think about it, contrast it with our beliefs and analyze it, we are changing our wiring, building a new mind. Once this new mind is established, we must start thinking like show, and there enters the body. Any process of change requires unlearning and relearning.
Friday, August 21, 2009
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Apparent size of Mars compared with the lunar crater Copernicus. When Mars is closest to the Earth, its apparent size is about half that presents the crater Copernicus.
In the farce, was given the date of August (namely 27). It is good to remember that last August 27, 2003, was the date of the last opposition of Mars Perihélica and which by their nature [View Maximo dates only approach] was the closest approach the two planets have been in 60,000 years.
The opposition of August 28, 2003
On August 28, 2003 Mars was close to the minimum distance from Earth in the last 15 years. This is what is called a favorable opposition. Due to the high eccentricity that has the red planet's orbit, its distance from Earth varies considerably from one competition to another, resulting in large variations in the apparent size of Mars. In the so-called big competitions, which occur when Mars is closest to the Earth, the distance that separates us from it is reduced to a minimum of 55 million kilometers while unfavorable oppositions, which are those in which Mars has its maximum distance from Earth, the distance between the two planets almost doubled.
Since Mars is a planet of small diameter barely twice the diameter of the Moon (its diameter (3476 km) is less than a third of the land), or about 6.780km in the most favorable oppositions when placed 55 million miles from Earth has an apparent diameter of only 25 seconds of arc. To get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat this size is, the crater Copernicus on the lunar surface has an average apparent size of 50 arc seconds. So I invite anyone holding a telescope to focus on the moon and locate the crater Copernicus. At its best telescopic observation, Mars only had half the apparent size of the crater.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
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A green candle A purple candle bowls
A handful of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts or chestnuts
A white paper tablecloth or
The ritual:
Place the green candle, and to the right next to each other, put the three bowls
Light the candles, pray for harmony, say an Our Father and end by thanking.
Wish A blue candle
A common ivy leaf
A piece of paper
The ritual:
On 23 June at 12 at night, light the blue candle, and place under your pillow
next day burn the paper, and bury the ashes and ivy leaf in the garden
21 drops of oil or almond oil 1 tablespoon vinegar
3 liters of water 1 large bowl
The ritual:
With this mix, clean all door frames, starting with those farthest from the main entrance (this is the last to be clean).
When done, thanks to San Juan praying the Our Father.
Get harmony with your partner
a pink candle
almonds orange flower water or perfume on both
The ritual:
June 23 at 12 pm, in a Almond enter your name and the other the pair.
Perfúmelas with orange blossom water or a mixture of the fragrance of both, and leave them in your bedroom next to each other.
Then light the pink candle, pray for the harmony of the couple and give thanks, pray the Our Father. Next day cómase
Thursday, May 21, 2009
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"You are about to discover
the key to happiness"
"ATRA or you resist ...
"Everything that the human mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
This law has been known and used by men
bigger through history.
"I could not tell what is this power, all I know is that there is" Graham Bell
"You create your own universe in the way" Winston Churchill
"All we are is the result of our thoughts" Buddha
This Act has been known and used
by the greatest men through history.
"Imagination is everything,
is a preview of the attractions
life to come." Einstein
"Give your first step in faith, do not need to see the full staircase, only gives you your first step faith. " Martin Luther King
All we can work with Infinite Power. We all guide ourselves by exactly the same laws. The natural laws of the universe are
exact laws is the Law of Attraction!
Wherever we are, we are all working with the same energy, the same law. WHAT ARE ATTRACTING
- All that comes to your life, you're attracting. - You attract into your life what you think. - Whatever you think, you have in your mind and do a picture ... ..
unconscious attraction happens when we let our thoughts run freely. The attraction occurs when we drive our conscious thoughts. Everything you think, whether good or bad, you attract into your life. Every happy thought, happy, attracts positive things into your life as you're thinking: If you think you attract more well-being. Every thought of concern exactly attracts more of that into your life ... If you think about debt. Attract more debt.
Attraction Thoughts + Feelings =
The key to controlling your thoughts
is simply observe the emotions that come from your thinking. They will guide
Positive Emotions all those that make you feel good
Negative Emotions all those that make you feel bad
can be divided into two categories:
"Once you accept that YOU are the manufacturer of your own reality, you'll see that you have the power to change that for anything you want."
WHAT you are attracting into your life?
appreciated. Write a list of all those things for which you can thank. Thanks every day. You will notice that in a few days your list starts to grow. You will notice a change in attitude in you. THEN CHANGE OF ATTITUDE IS LIKE THE ATTRACTION IS YOUR WAY IT.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
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Stop talking and take time to listen!
When you're waiting on him in silence, hear a whisper, a soft voice.
Someone called it "a divine impulse, "it is an impression in your heart
Some believe He will answer that prayer means to keep asking and asking, keep talking
This kind of prayer does not show much faith or confidence that he will respond.
When you pray, do not need to keep asking the same thing and stress in so many words
hoped that D's answer you!
The answer is on the way, D's answer!
Did you know that sublime sense of prayer is not to insist or demand to D's?
is entering into communion with him, overcoming all our being to the skies and waiting
take my heart in my hands,
And hold it up
the Lord ... ... I know he understands me. Sometimes gold
no words.
My spirit bows at his feet,
And with his hand on my head,
We communicate in gentle silence. Sometimes gold
no words.
Well I am tired and rest,
And my heart is all you crave,
resting on the gentle lap of my Savior.
If you have prayed a lot and still not get the answer to your requests and feel like you
Heavenly Father has been ignored or not answered. But it is also true that D's has His time for the fulfillment of His purpose.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
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yourself or suffered for foolishness.
Are you a good fighter, do not blame him, but neither
let your mistakes be repeated.
Paulo Coelho. Forgiveness frees
bonds that embitter the soul and the body sick.
Forgiveness is an expression of love.
Many of our attempts to confuse forgiveness fail because essentially what we refuse to forgive and the ability to belittle the events or forgotten.
Forgiveness is not forgetting, not forgetting what happened to us.
not mean to excuse or justify a particular event or misbehavior. Not accepting what happened with resignation.
not deny the pain.
not minimize the events.
Forgiveness does not mean to stop caring about what happened, or to agree with someone who hurt you.
simply means putting aside those negative thoughts that caused us pain or anger.
does not mean you agree with what happened, nor that they approve.
mistakenly believe that forgiveness should
inexorably lead to reconciliation with the aggressor.
us believe that forgiveness is close friends of our aggressor
and for that reason we reject it.
does not imply that at all, forgiveness is ONLY FOR YOU and nobody else.
Do not expect that the person who attacked us change or modify their behavior because the most probable is that this person does not change and indeed, sometimes get even worse.
Forgiveness is based on the acceptance of what happened.
Unforgiveness binds you to people from the resentment.
you have chains.
Forgiveness should be performed "without expectations" without waiting for anything to happen. If we expect the offender to accept his mistake, we will be waiting in vain and wasting our time and energies in an apology that will never come.
If you are expecting this reaction, after being forgiven, for I really do not forgive from the heart still waiting for compensation, compensation. We anchored in the problem, in yesterday, wanting to get paid for our pain.
So we have not forgiven, and whoever is in control of our lives is the EGO.
EGO that wants to punish or charge all costs to the aggressor. There
anything or anyone that can compensate the pain caused in the past, the past has no way be changed. Any kind of revenge or retribution may correct the moments of sadness and desolation which we live, how bad we feel. While waiting for an apology, which acknowledges its error and none of that will change the facts, what happened in the past, we only want to feed our ego, our thirst for justice wrong focused.
Unforgiveness is the poison more destructive to the spirit as it neutralizes the emotional resources you have.
Forgiveness is a statement that we can and must be renewed daily.
often the most important person to have to forgive is yourself for all the things that were not the way you thought. We accept that we
from our hearts, we look at the facts as they happened
and then decided to let them go, let them in yesterday.
That lesson is already learned and we've managed to overcome the negative circumstances
we played live.
right so you can be forgiven. Remember
with the rod you measure, you will be measured ...
Therein lies our weakness
will wander our exaltation.
Friday, January 30, 2009
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the endorsers of this show we are citizens with full use of our civil rights and holders of popular sovereignty, which state powers emanate.
Signatories we went to all citizens, aware of the situation of poverty, hunger and disease in which a large part of the human population in a historical moment like the present, which is provided with sufficient political, economic and scientists who could solve these problems.
This manifesto is a universal calling, and is addressed to all humanity, every human being that inhabits the planet, to become aware of the terrible situation faced by millions of people and somehow act accordingly to end this unsustainable situation. Therefore, the original version in English will be translated into different languages, since our purpose is to make the voice of public opinion in places where decisions are political and economic world.
We went to the politicians who rule our countries, as well as the highest representatives of international organizations such as the United Nations Organization and the presidents and governments of the economically powerful countries of the Earth.
1 .- That this text has its origin in the fact of the extreme situation of need and hunger suffered by much of the population of the Earth and the unequal and unfair distribution of properties existing in the world. We understand that fairness and harmony in the world are based recognition of the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family, making it unacceptable that a large part of the world population has to face such a precarious reality, to the extent of injustice and inequality, hunger, poverty and malnutrition. 2 .-
believe that this situation is particularly evil and not acceptable either morally or ethically, as all human beings are born free and equal. We also plead that all citizens of the world have these rights from the moment of his birth and not a future promise to be reached depending on the political, social or economic life of their countries. 3 .-
argue that it is completely unjust, immoral and a humanitarian crime punishable by international courts and history that, in the twenty-first century, human beings exist in the world starve and die for it. It is an aggravating circumstance that, there enough international laws, as well as the technical, economic and scientific steps to remedy the situation, those who exercise power in the world do not carry out the necessary actions to address what future generations describe as a real genocide in which offenders are those who, having the means to solve the problem, but not using them.
4 .- We consider this unjust situation is contrary to Natural Law, Human Rights and the most elementary rules of ethics and understand that it is time that the voice of public opinion requires of its leaders the end of this state of affairs. 5 .-
this manifesto is not a utopian manifesto, and which is not a political manifesto, nor is it intended to the establishment of a new political or socio-economic world, nor any damage to the business, health social and the developed world, but the most elementary justice to the disadvantaged.
1 .- The action immediate and urgent action to alleviate such a situation of hunger, disease and malnutrition in the Third World. We believe that such measures are not a utopia, but are perfectly viable and possible.
2 .- Maintain a commitment to meet the Millennium Development Goals which were established by the UN in 2000, defined the principles that must be adjusted performance of countries and the international economic system to overcome, with the horizon established in 2015, the injustices that afflict humanity.
3 .- The systematic development of actions to the poorest countries and establish a logical and humane policy priorities economic, intelligent projects that create wealth and jobs in the affected countries, facilitating sustainable development and progress to help them to consolidate a network health, economic and social environment that makes it possible for an equal starting position .
4 .- To take the necessary measures so that the richest countries allocate a portion of their budgets to create wealth, businesses and jobs in the affected countries and the adoption of an international agreement that signed in the UN should be mandatory for developed countries.
5 .- The implementation of a code of ethics adjust the strategy of multinational enterprises and the elimination of tax havens and the implementation of the Tobin tax, or a similar one in international business transactions, allowing the creation of a solidarity fund managed by the UN.
6 .- Do not accept simple statements of principles that are not translated into concrete policies. In short, we appeal to the sense of generosity and humanity of everyone, especially from the economically powerful international political class.
From the land that he hopes and believes in solidarity to build a better and fairer world, to January 30, 2009 "
Adherents to this manifesto are citizens on full use of our civil rights and holders of popular sovereignty, from which emanate the powers of the state. The signatories
we address all global citizens, aware of the situation of poverty, famine and disease in which there is a large part of the human population in a historical moment, like the current, where has sufficient resources both in the political, economic and scientific that could solve these problems.
This declaration is a vocation of universality and is addressed to all humanity, every human being that inhabits this planet to become aware of the terrible situation faced by millions of people and encourage them to act accordingly to end this situation. To do this the original version in English will be translated into different languages, since our intention is to hear the voice of public opinion to the places where decisions are made concerning the political and economic world.
We appeal to the politicians who rule our countries, and the highest of International Organizations, such as the United Nations, and the presidents and governments of the countries most powerful, economically speaking, the Earth.
WE DECLARE: 1 .- That
this text comes from the finding of the extreme situation of need and hunger that afflicts a large proportion of the population of the Earth and the unjust distribution of properties existing worldwide. We believe that fairness and harmony in the world are based on the recognition of the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family, why it is unacceptable that a large part of the world population has to face a precarious reality to such a degree of injustice and inequality, as famine, poverty and malnutrition.
2 .- We believe that this situation is inherently evil and unacceptable morally or ethically, as all human beings are born free and equal. Similarly, we must not forget that all citizens of world have these rights from birth, not a future promise of conquest depends on the political, social and economic development of countries.
3.-We defend what is absolutely unjust, immoral and a crime punishable humanitarian international courts and history that right in XXI Century, there are human beings who suffer from hunger and dying. That is an aggravating circumstance of this crime, existing international laws sufficient, and the technical, economic and scientific to correct this situation, those who exercise power in the world do not carry the necessary actions to solve what Future generations would characterize as real genocide in which offenders are those who, while having the means to solve this problem do not have used.
4 .- Let us consider this unfair situation is contrary Natural Law, Human Rights and the rules of ethics the most basic and we believe the time has come that the voice of public opinion requires its leaders to end this state of things.
5 .- That this is not a manifest utopian nor a political manifesto, nor do we claim this with the introduction of a new political and socio-economic world, nor any of the networks business, health and the Social World, but the most elementary justice to the poor.
1 .- The immediate action and urgent to end the famine, disease and malnutrition in the Third World. We consider that such measures are not a utopia as they are perfectly viable and possible.
2 .- Maintaining the promise of fulfilling the Millennium Development Goals which were established by the United Nations in 2000, defines the principles that must adapt national leadership and the international economic system to overcome, as with 2015, the injustices suffered by humanity.
3 .- The implementation of systematic acts of solidarity towards the poorest countries and to establish a logical and human priorities economic policy, including intelligent projects that create wealth and employment in affected countries, facilitating sustainable development and progress to help them to consolidate a network health, economic and social stability that makes possible the return to a starting position of equality.
4 .- That the necessary measures are taken so that the rich countries allocate part of their budgets to create wealth and business and work sources in the affected countries, and the adoption of an agreement International which is expected to endorse the UN and mandatory application of the developed countries. 5 .-
implantation an ethical code that controls the strategy of multinational enterprises and the elimination of tax havens and the implementation of the Tobin tax or a similar one in international business transactions that can create a solidarity fund managed by the United Nations.
6 .- We will not accept simple statements which are not transformed into concrete policies. Ultimately, we appeal to the sense of generosity and humanity of all and fundamentally the international political class, economically powerful.
From the Earth who hopes and believes firmly in the Solidarity that can build un monde meilleur et plus juste, le 30 janvier 2009.
We, the endorsers of this Manifesto, are citizens on total use of our civil rights and holders of popular sovereignty, from where State Powers are emanated.
We, the signers, aware of the situation of poverty, hunger and illness in which great part of the human population lives despite being in a historical moment, as the current one, where sufficient political, economical and scientific means are available so as to solve these problems, address to all world citizens.
This public declaration is a universal calling which heads for the whole humanity, to each human being that inhabits this planet, for them to become aware for the terrible situation that millions of people have to face and, somehow, to encourage them to act accordingly, to bring to an end this unsustainable situation. This is why the original version in English will be translated to different languages, since our intention is that the public opinion´s voice is heard in those places where political and economical decisions are adopted.
We address to all the politicians who rule our countries; as well as to the highest heads of International Organizations, such as The United Nations, and to presidents and governments of the richest and most powerful countries of the world.
1.- That this text has its origin in the certain fact of the extreme situation of the needs and hunger a big part of the world’s population suffers and in the current unequal and unfair distribution of the properties existing in the earth. We understand that the equanimity and the harmony in our planet must exist based in the acknowledgment of the equal, inalienable and intrinsic dignity of all the members of the human family, that is why it is unacceptable that a big part of the world’s population has to face such a precarious reality with this level of injustice, inequality, hunger, poverty and malnutrition.
2.- Since all human beings are born to be free, we believe that this situation is particularly evil and unethical. We also plead that all citizens in the world must have these rights in the same moment they are brought to life and not as a future promise to be reached depending of the political, social or economical reality of their homeland.
3.- We defend what is utterly unfair, immoral and a humanitarian punishable crime before the international courts and the History that right in the 21st century there still exist human beings starving in this World and dying because of that. It is an aggravating circumstance that, existing enough international laws and technical, economical and scientific means to correct the aforementioned situation, those who have the power in the world do not carry out the necessary actions to solve what future generations will only describe as a real genocide in which they all will be guilty for having the means to solve the problem, but not using them.
4.-We consider this unfair situation to be against the Natural Law, the Human Rights and the procedure of the most elementary ethical principles, and we understand that the moment has come in which the voice of the public opinion demands from their leaders the end of such state of affairs.
5.- That this is neither a utopian nor a political manifesto, and it does not expect the founding of a new political or socio-economic world order, nor any damage to the business, sanitary or social network of the First World, but the most elementary justice with the underprivileged.
1. To adopt immediate and urging measures to alleviate such a situation of hunger, illness and malnutrition in the Third World. We think that such measures do not represent any utopia as they are perfectly feasible and possible.
2. To maintain the promise of fulfilling the Millenium Objetives which were established by the UN in the year 2000. These Objectives define the principles that the countries and the international economical system must follow in order to overcome the unfair situations humanity suffers towards the year 2015 (as it was agreed).
3. To perform systematically acts of solidarity towards the countries in an unfavourable position and to establish a logical and human order of priorities in the economical policy, including intelligent projects that create wealth and jobs in the aforementioned countries, offering sustainable development and progress to help them to consolidate a permanent social, economical and health service network that makes it possible for them to start from an equal position.
4. To take the necessary steps so that the richest countries allocate part of their national budgets to create wealth, companies and work sources in the aforementioned countries, as well as to adopt an international agreement, which should be compulsory for the developed countries and signed in the UN.
5. To implement an ethical code that regulates the multinational companies strategy, as well as the elimination of the tax havens and the application of the Tobin Tax —or a similar one— to the international commercial transactions, that will allow to create a solidarity fund managed by the UN.
6. We will not accept simple declarations of principles that are not transformed into specific policies. In other words, we appeal to everybody’s sense of generosity and humanity, especially from the ones who belong to the international ruling class that have the economical power.
From the Earth that waits and believes firmly in the Solidarity that can build a better and fairer world, 30th January 2009.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Ibm T60 No Audio No Drivers
1 º ... Do not trust tomorrow
2 º ... And you think that the new and the best, not for you, glad you keep things old and useless.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Enerstat Thermostats Manuals
next to you right now ...
In Silence ... Stay calm and think of all those problems
you would like to solve.
What you trouble, and makes you mourn, oppress
What, you worry, and you sad.
Stop being afraid ... the future, the mistakes,
to choose the wrong path ... Now think about all that ...
Open your heart and imagine giving ... all D's. ... Come on ...!
Put your hands raised in surrender .... Imagine
surrendering all at this very moment ...
Now, as he delivers a very heavy bag to someone else to drive.
Now, imagine all the good you want to happen, you
or already has happened in your life.
Moments of happiness friendship, love, peace and love.
Imagine putting everything in your hands, and make a gesture to be
guardanlo in your heart, as one who saves the most precious jewel in the best case
. ... Keep the good treasure within you,
And say "Thank you" with great faith, with the heart.
Thanks ... for all the good that will come
And for everything bad that ... go.
Count to three deep breathes well.
Now ... imagine that the angels fly
and is taking your prayers to D. s. Thanks
... D's ... and all people who share
day. ... May God bless
s you and bless you ... ... today and always!
Always do not see the solution ... He'll help you ...
दंनाज़क / Danna Zak.