Monday, September 7, 2009

Which Tna Knockout Are You


In times of definitions and changes required to join the expansion of individual consciousness with the expansion of global consciousness.
This is an invitation to all those who wish to participate in the process ascension of our beloved Earth and make our Light and our Love in this great event .
We have lived in the appearance of duality, division and separation and this error should be corrected. It is in the awareness that we are part of an indivisible whole and perfect where we find the key our implementation and the entire planet.
A stream of light, love poured by a large numbers of people connected to the source, running all the strength of feeling and thinking towards the same goal is to achieve extraordinary results and progress. It is also possible to stop financial disasters, pandemics, and any global threat the same way.
As humanity, we are called the days September 8, 2009 to participate in a large planetary healing event, where codes are reset regenerative Mother / Father Earth as a final act to achieve a critical mass of individuals who are strongly committed to achieving this result. We consider that the healing of the planet is also our individual healing. As above, so below.
On 8 September has for centuries been a day of celebration of the female deity in many parts of the West and that is why you have chosen this date. PROCEDURE

In all places where persons are persons or groups willing to join this great chain of activation, we propose the following activities:
At noon and in the place where they are (referring to local time), have 20 minutes to make this powerful co-creative act with the Source and the other beings who are integrating this network.
First Flower On Fourth Light Portal
(turn our being-love light-frequency de la Fuente)
quieting body and mind we bring attention to the pineal gland which is a small gland located at the center of the brain and is an antenna that connects us to God when we know that its true function ( male principle). Ordered that his light on and expand to the outside of the head.
Second this light is to connect to the Light Source, expressed as lightning arcoíricos taking all our attention to the source and keep it there for the rest of the activity.
Third accept A-MOR de la Fuente in us through our breath. We envision two beams:
the pink and yellow that are radiation-MOR A
(remember that A-MOR means "without death ).
These rays down from the Source and then anchored in our heart center until you feel it is an ever-expanding sun rose and yellow. For each breath address this energy A-MOR first to ourselves and each exhalation is being led out, viewing the whole world involved in this radiation. Breathing in this way 9 times.
Fourth feel now all the rays pass arcoíricos from the Source of our arms and head towards the planet's surface thus building a grid of protection around him invincible.
Fifth visualize a violet ray of mail that surrounds us and sealed us from under the feet up over your head. From this moment, we have agreed to our self-love and light, and we are able to co-create with Source.
Sixth to co-create the light we now reintensified pineal center which in turn ignites the pituitary center (another small gland in our brain located between the frontal lobes and is the feminine principle to become a Matrix Cosmic ) and visualize it lit up like a flower of light that shines occupying the pineal-pituitary center. In the center we see emerging a flame arcoírica that surrounds us and lifts us towards the Champs Superior Building to make our event co-creative planetary healing. Seventh
: visualize (or intentionally, is the same) to our planet enveloped in a blaze of violet flame and give creative order that the flame that is the power of love and transmutation, dissolve and consume energy every wound caused by selfishness, hatred, war, pain and all the mistakes humans and non-creative than she has been subjected . With all the creative power of our feelings. We
this display at least five minutes.
DISPLAY VICTORIA activation end up replacing everything that has been dissolved and consumed by Golden Light, which descends directly from the Source, Victoria Alchemical feeling for our planet now view as a great Golden Sun Victorious . Thank
before the end of planetary activation
just make me go ... Danna Zak.


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