The SunGazing (or look at the sun) is a technique so simple that can be explained in very few lines, you look at the sun in a certain time, the first day ten seconds only, then each day is adding an additional ten seconds. It is a practice that has to be carried throughout life. Only performed for a maximum period of 270 days of a regular or irregular. We say this because there will be cloudy days, or for any reason we can not make practice. This should not concern. Some days you will fail, others will fail if the sun is a day without doing so, it returns the next day from where it left off. No problem. If you do SunGazing for 270 days, it takes 111 hours in total, and have completed the practice, your body will become a solar chip and then it is not necessary to continue the practice.
Later if you want to keep doing SunGazing for pleasure, you can do if you no longer need.
Viewing the sun during certain time frame is simple and the results are fantastic. not dangerous. The first rays of morning sun and the last rays of afternoon sun are more beneficial than TV and computers. The band 'safe' is beneficial for overall health and even to the eyes. You get perfect health for mind, body and spirit. Experienced an increase in memory and intelligence. The aging process slows down, one is in the path to enlightenment. It is as if they were living 'heaven on earth. " One free of all disease in this life. Shows that three phases of three months each, since a person may not have the objective of achieve spiritual fulfillment, which shortens the process. At the end of the first three months, corresponding to 15 minutes looking at the sun, the person gets a perfect mental health. This is prior to any healing the body and any spiritual path. After those three months the person is clear of their insecurities, fears, depression, jealousy, envy, etc. In achieving this, the mind ceases to bombard the body with negativity, and this makes it possible for the three months following the body to get the physical.
Practicing SunGazing from the third month until the sixth, following as always with the progression of ten seconds per day, the end of six months you will be facing the sun thirty minutes and his physical problems have disappeared. Previously it was believed that neurons could not regenerate, but the result of analysis applied to hundreds of people watching the sun had to change these conclusions. Indeed, in neurons SunGazing multiply, strengthen, regenerate. Again, after 6 months, can, if desired, decide to finish the process. After six months of practice, which coincides with that is facing the sun 30 minutes, all the body's cells begin to store energy from the sun are converted into solar cells, are like a solar panel. Beyond six months, energy the sun is very well received by the cells, which are able to store it, your cells will be able to absorb the sun's energy directly. Your body will have become a solar panel.
After nine months you only need to follow a maintenance.
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