I MIGUEL, Ruling Prince of the heavenly. Receive blessings and protections. I come to you to announce the most favorable period for the outpouring of my energy, my presence and my radiation at the surface of this planet, in the days that will live his humanity. In fact, my radiation and my power and now come forward in leaps and bounds to the surface of Earth. My radiation is manifested by UV rays. The radiation pressure of my attempt to go tomorrow, and increasingly so far to give them, your physical body and subtle structures are going to swim to a new source related to solar radiation and ultraviolet rays. New codes for you in the embodiment unpublished, will enter its manifestation in consciousness. The radiation pressure is such that it should be prepared to accept and receive the outpouring of My Spirit. This is for now. Do not worry about the elementary reactions that necessarily entail. Feel happy to agree and accept the power of my UV rays. The manifestation of the sun is entering a critical phase that will prepare this whole solar system, its planets and its inhabitants have to live why on Earth are personified in this life. The moment is stunning: the cohort of angels, all the archangels and all the solar Emissaries are prepared. Likewise be in you, inside you, in conscience, in their postures and in their acceptance and integration of the UV radiation. The radiation pressure will reach levels not meeting ever on this planet. Should gain time to honor and respect what is coming. This radiation, ultraviolet solar nature, will open within each cell of your body make up your physical body, preparing the great change connected to what you call ascension. The power of radiation is to be extended. The power of the elements will begin to re-enter the event. Many seizures weather will occur from March 25 to connect and unavoidably. For its part, human beings should never worry if external circumstances but remain aligned and focused on its axis and its heart to your best advantage, so deep that it may be, of the power of this radiation. This is for you a blessing, protection and a way to prepare the awakening of the climb. Live and live unique moments in the manifestation of Light, but unfortunately also the Shadow, in reaction to the influx of this Light. Shadow can not absolutely nothing against you if they are placed under the influence of my light, my protection. Made the call, consciously, to my radiation and my presence, I respond to every human institution run to me, at any time, but especially at this time. This time here, capital and largest time to prepare for the year of my presence that began several weeks ago. Increasingly hear talk of the luminous manifestations and the manifestations of the Shadow. This should not in any way prejudice and must accept the content. Just be aware and take into account the different information that you arrive for a few days, whether it is under visually or hearing under way in the form of hunches, because these information are central to each of you in your conversion and their future. Respect them, are linked phenomena of warnings, insights and information to break into your field of awareness of UV rays. Is imperative that they hear. First my presence and my radiation. Then to radiation from the sun and its UV rays to transmute into you as much information as audible and visible their future and their conversion. Take care and pray. Take care and accept the power of radiation. This is part of your Divine heritage. They announced that the Government passed a man in a Divine government. This is really strict and will, under his eyes, in a very short time, indisputable evidence. The best way to prepare is obviously care, pray and be reflected in your inner being to surround yourself with the outpouring of UV rays. Human incarnation, I invite you, so solemn respect their inner Temple, which is in accordance with the outpouring of UV rays, so that it can change what must change in their physical and psychological structures. When have finished crossing this period of the days that lie ahead, nothing will ever again as before to you: his gaze is penetrating, his vision will be safer and to establish a conscious contact with the Light, the Source and Unity. This is manifested obviously in the center of his being in what they call their heart. The power of the radiation reaching for his head on his chest should be established to make finding your unit and what I would call on my part, as a whole and its uniqueness. You will find, so inevitable, the size of its state of being divine, spiritual Unity of Divinity. This is their heritage. The experience of the incarnation ends soon for those who wish, provided they have accepted and have integrated my Ultraviolet radiation and the sun. It is your decision. It's your choice. No one can interfere with that and especially not be the forces of Shadow for whom I am personally committed, and all of my heavenly militia, a battle whose implications have in your media, wherever they may view and see for yourself. Human embodiment, when the unit back to finally rang. The time has come to find all of their heritage, their entire unit and all of what they are. Nobody can hinder the truth of this revelation. Here are the words simply wanted to announce a major before the equinox, which arrives tomorrow late afternoon. I extend my grace, my protection so they can live this fundamental step on the way back to Unity. Be sure you are loved beyond all hope, beyond all their dreams more absurd. The truth is one. The truth will come to liberate and free them. Be at peace in relation to that. If, now, there are questions regarding this process, I, if I may, to satisfy their questions. Question: ultraviolet radiation is manifested in the embodiment, in part by solar radiation. Is it necessary to protect it? The protection in relation to ultraviolet radiation from the sun and I is not linked to external protection. The only protection you will find will be aligned and centered in your heart, there is no protection desirable. However, visual phenomena, solar and atmospheric phenomena, will be visible in some parts of the globe. This is extremely important but not delayed, once again, with these manifestations. Focus on their own internal events that will give them the challenge of accepting and integrating new vibrations and new manifestations in the physical structure even. Question: Is it a power for 6 days before move to another stage? Satisfáganse to live this period in its interior. It is important to understand that you are, and you will be, faced with new energy and live in all the new points and this, in all directions of the new term. You never, in its incarnations, as in this embodiment, experimented with this ultraviolet energy. This corresponds to a radiation pressure. You have the impression of being compressed, to be encapsulated but this is only the preliminary stage compression If you accept this, you will live, on March 25, an episode end expansion of their fields of consciousness. Understand and live what Unidad.Pregunta which is: what will the effect of radiation on our subtle bodies and our DNA? This is a total reconstruction of their previous working methods and outdated that prevail in this cycle of mankind. Are really going to discover new dimensions, new states of being, new insights and new possibilities for sensory organs. This is part of the process of encendido.Pregunta: what will these new sensory capabilities? Every human being, whatever their level of spiritual evolution and its stage incarnation, breathe and have common functions. Their physiological functions are the same for all humanity embodied, either which is the developmental stage where they are. These physiological functions are to some extent, to expand. Their perceptions, which are connected to the Source or not will affect the whole of humanity. Simply, many humans do not know how to answer this momentum and do not know, they have not experienced the previous unit linked to the demonstration on 25 March. This may induce behavioral changes that are not necessarily in the sense of light. However, these events and these modifications are common to all mankind. No human can escape that, simply, the result will be profoundly different for each according to his ability to be found, during this period, its Unidad.Pregunta: apart from the acceptance of speaking, how to prepare best? It is essential during this period, limiting their food intake and increase their consumption of beverages. This is a very well prepared enough to not overload their physical structures and enable them to track the movements of ultravioleta.Pregunta radiation: physical exercise is compatible with this integration? Everything you of joy and unity. If this is for you, stay in the bottom of a bed, do so. If this is for you, walking in nature and in particular vegetables, hágalo.Pregunta: the ultraviolet radiation or wave is constant? It is a wave that erupts from tomorrow, connected, as I said in my presence and the modification of radiation from its sun and other planets. This will become constant, but the learning phase starts from tomorrow. The integration time and stabilization will obviously be based on their ability to stay in Unidad.No have more questions. Le agradecemos.Entonces, beloved people, I urge you to disseminate this information as widely as that of the other party will be broadcast on other channels from my morning. While waiting, I transmit this radiation and tell you soon.
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