Thursday, November 4, 2010
Fake Id Consequences Ontario
energy from solar panels , a symbol in promoting an energy source, which according to promise, would revolutionize the world.
The president himself, not hiding his enthusiasm, he dares to forecast futurology mix of pragmatism and misunderstood:"In 2000 the solar water heater is behind me and that is being installed today, will continue in the same place giving energy efficient and cheap. For the next generation this solar heater can be a curiosity, a museum piece, an example of the road not taken, or may be a small part of one of the largest and most exciting adventures that the American people ever undertaken. "Apparently
The exciting adventure
the American people, other obstacles would rather symbolic: when Ronald Reagan took office would drop the solar water heaters in the White House. Ronald Reagan, not only end with the solar heater of the White House, but also, with the encouragement to any attempt to produce large-scale energy from renewable sources.
solar panels, were stored in government warehouses, and some of them, ended up years later in college. In the first Bush presidency, re-install a modest solar panel to power heating of the buildings of the White House.
Several years later, thousands of miles away, helped by lower costs of production and technological progress, someone in China would be responsible to resume the production of solar water heaters cost effectively and at mass. I mean the Chinese businessman Huang Ming, who founded one of the companies producing solar thermal energy heaters largest the planet. Huang Ming, is now something like the "King of solar water heaters for domestic use," a man treated like a hero global organizations like
purchase for a private collection of solar panels dismantled the roof of the home country government world's most powerful.
And in fact, Huang Ming owes much to the solar panels, an industry starting from a small workshop with scope that is planning to move to the world. Today his company is the world's largest manufacturer of solar panels for water heating, almost a postcard in many homes in China. Solar heaters have become popular in China not only for its effectiveness, but also for its low price. The most basic models have a cost that starts from 1,500 yuan, about $ 190. The heaters are so efficient that even works on cloudy days with temperatures below zero. Its cost, paid for itself within months.Ming Huang is also a tireless promoter of the use of this type of energy, a contribution to deal with global warming. For samples of what has changed his first workshop, we can now examine the appearance of Himin Corp headquarters, the epicenter of an ambitious $ 700 million to be known as the China Solar Valley
Himin Solar Energy Group, in operation since 1995 at its plant in Dezhou, China, employs about 7000 people around, and is involved in ambitious projects. The employer says: "If we fail to deal with global warming will mean the failure of our generation, and myself. " Its product range has been extended to the manufacture of solar systems for buildings, power generation, solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, or solar lighting systems, among others.
Meanwhile, in the United States a few weeks ago, some of the old solar panels were recovered from the deposits of the government by Bill McKibben, the environmental activist 350.orgcreator. Together with a group of students, began an awareness campaign to reinstall solar panel at the White House .
In tune with the times, many solar energy companies in the U.S., tryrefine their strategies to compete with Chinese manufacturers , which have moved aggressively in the country, monopolizing 40 percent of the market in states like California . Chinese energy companies by Solar panels have a growing dominance in the global market. United States, begins his exciting adventure, but in this case, with some delay.
this entry's story begins with an article by Amy Goodman
Poor solar energy! .
The rest of the sources are cited in the body of the entry.
Huffington Post article is a reference to the documentary hsitoria in progress on the solar panels from the White House.
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