Thursday, November 4, 2010

1 Year Old Having White Bowel Movements

San Pedro de la Nave, the Abu Simbel Spanish


The offensive and defensive power of the Macedonian phalanx was compared in the popular imagination in fiction and in research on many occasions, leading to dozens of topics and issues not yet resolved. In Pidna dropped the last of the Macedonian kings, and with it the dream (fictional) of independence not only Greek, but in Eastern Mediterranean area on Rome. A Rome that no longer respects the Greek showed no philhellenes as before, was just a dozen years, even if only in appearance.

With five rows of tines projecting
sarissa before training, the Macedonian phalanx gave an image of irresistible force, and rarely came in contact with enemy usually fled before the crash.

Reconstruction a
Roman oval scutum Republican era in the form of bricks, capable of covering the body of the shield better fighter plane than a Celtic model. It can be seen easily handle horizontal oval shields feature. Legio I Germanica Group (Tarragona). Tarraco Viva 2005.

When one reads both sources of studies and essays devoted to the third Macedonian war, it does seem a strange confrontation, glimpsing incompetence almost more appealing. In this context it is difficult to assess and compare the styles of both sides.

the death of Philip V, attractive character if ever there was succeeded him on the Macedonian throne his eldest son Perseus in the year 179 a. C, after many intrigues and the death of his younger brother, who was named (especially Roma) to be the heir. Perseus tried to continue the work of his father immediately, the strengthening of Macedonia, with some initial successes were not properly utilized. Perseus worried movements in Rome, which declared war in the year 172 a. C.

During the next two years can see well how the successes, mostly diplomatic, Macedonia, mingled with resounding failures in the field. In the military, victories garnered Perseus demerit Roman army by his genius, always using delaying and defensive technique that took advantage of these triumphs. Latino organization was a disaster and after several changes had to go Lucio Emilio Claudio.

first thing he did was to reorganize the army, to seek their supplies and renew your mind, three fundamental bases without which weapons have little to do. The second, after taking defensive positions always Perseus, was to attack their lines and break their protection, which managed and Macedonian forced to retreat to a place more suitable for the deployment of their battalions, on the slopes of Mount Olocro.

Falangita time of Alexander the Macedonian. His main weapon is a sarissa
, itchy about five meters, but in later centuries would reach more than seven. A great tip ( sauroter ) acts bronze counterweight and allows the nail on the ground, the tip is small so as not to unbalance the weapon. The shaft was made of dogwood, and the march was divided into two parts, spliced \u200b\u200binto battle with a metallic tabular. Wearing a helmet, popular at the time, Phrygian type, armor and greaves, and a small circular shield with the symbol of the Macedonian dynasty. Therefore it is a chief row, fighting on the front line and need more protection. Would not bring the back rows or greaves and breastplate, in many cases.

The battle that followed was a complete disaster for Macedonian interests, leaving the ground about twenty thousand deaths, if we are to believe Livy. However, in the development of combat were curious circumstances, as one might infer that the phalanx defeated the legions, who fled (according to Roman sources, drove) defeated in the first instance to mount. The fatal use of this (the only horse was used, breaking the principle of anvil / hammer), progress towards brittle terrain and the inexperience of the Macedonian infantry legionaries made the find with spaces to enter the melee, with a good business tactic that sarissas wall seems almost impossible.

Structure of a Roman consular army of two legions and socii
auxiliaries -without italics not the end of s. III and s. BC

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  • Most of the images belong to the series of books published as Fernando Quesada Sphere of Books.



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