Friday, October 29, 2010

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The post-PC era as Ray Ozzie

Place Search: A quick and easy way to find information local: "I love discovering new places, from the best place to buy sandwiches in my neighborhood, even good museums around the world. When I start looking for something in a new area, like a house of food in Austin, for example, I usually do a few searches to get to what interests me. I mean, generally seek first a list of restaurants and then look for details on each of those locations.

Place Search Now we are introducing a new class local search global inofrmación organized according to specific places. In this way, users can more easily compare and decide where to go. For example, if you want find a barbecue restaurant with live music, this is what you will find Place Search:

The new results are marked with red pins, and each is a restaurant with relevant information and links. There I can see that Stubb's has live music and I can click on, and other sites to see what users have commented on this restaurant. Earlier that same search would have returned links to information about Stubb's in different parts of the results page (shown here
how it looked this before). Now, information is grouped accordingly to make it easier to digest and compare.

Search results begin to appear automatically on Google when the system predicts the user is looking for local information. In addition, there will be a new link to "Places" in the left pane in the search results page so that you can jump to these results as desired. For example, when I'm in New York like me go out and play foosball, but if I put the word table football (foosball, in English) are not going to automatically appear Place Search results: if I click on "Places" I will get the new view:

For this type of results possible, we have developed technology to better understand locations. With Place Search, we dynamically connecting hundreds of millions of web sites with more than 50 million locations worldwide. Automatically identify whether sites are referring to physical places, and grouped the links even if they do not provide addresses or use different names ("Stubb's BBQ" is the same as "Stubbs bar-b-que").

One of the useful aspects of this approach is that easy to find a comprehensive view of each place. Users will find more links in one page of results, often 30 or 40. So instead of making eight or ten searches, you can find what you're looking for with a single query. In the tests we did, we discovered that Place Search allows people to win two seconds for each local information search you make. Place

Search is being deployed now and will be available globally in 40 languages \u200b\u200bin the coming days. During the deployment process, users can use this special link
to have a preview of the new results.

By Jackie Bavaro, Product Manager

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How to weigh a star using a moon "

A new study conducted by astrophysicist David Kipping said that in special cases, we can directly Despite a star. If the star has a planet, and the planet has a moon, and they cross in front its star, then we can measure the sizes and orbits to learn more about the star.

"I often wonder how astronomers weigh the stars. We've added a new technique to our toolbox for this purpose, "says Kipping, a PhD student at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Astronomers have found more than 90 planets crossing in front - or passing - its star. By measuring the amount of starlight blocked, they can calculate how big is the planet on its star. But they can not know exactly how big is the planet unless they know the actual size of the star. Computer models give a good estimate, but in science, the actual measurements are the best. Kipping

realized that if a transiting planet had a moon large enough so that we saw (also blocking the starlight), then the planet-moon-star could be measured in a way that would allow us to calculate exactly how big and massive were the three bodies.

"Basically, we measure the orbits of the planets around the star and the moon around the planet. Then, through Kepler's Laws of Motion, it is possible to calculate the mass of the star, "explains Kipping.

The process is not easy and requires several steps. Measuring how the star's light dims when transiting planet and moon, astronomers achieve three key issues: 1) The orbital periods of the moon and the planet, 2) the size of their orbits in relation to the star, and 3) the size the planet and moon in relation to the star.

Introducing these numbers in Kepler's Third Law is achieved density of the star and planet. Since density is mass divided by volume, the densities and relative sizes give the relative mass. Finally, scientists measure the wobble of the star due to the gravitational pull of planet, known as radial velocity. Combining velocity measurements with the relative masses can calculate the mass of the star directly.

"If there is no moon, the whole exercise would be impossible," says Kipping. "I do not have moons means that no one can calculate the density of the planet, so that the whole process stops."

Kipping has not even this method in practice because there is no star known to have both a planet and a moon in transit. However, NASA's Kepler mission should find several such systems.

"When they are, we are ready to weigh" Kipping said.

The research appears in the issue of the journal
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society .

Original Date: October 15, 2010 Original Link

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One in four 'soles' could have planets the size of Earth "
Exoplanetas solar systems like ours may be common in the Universe. According to a study by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley (USA) almost 25% of solar-type stars could have planets similar in size to Earth. The work is published this week in the journal Science .

About 23 percent of Sun-like stars could have a planet the size of Earth orbiting around them, says a research led by astronomers Geoffrey Marcym Andrew Howard and the University of California at Berkeley (USA ) and published today in Science

The team selected 166 stars of spectral type G ('yellow' as the Sun) and K ('orange-red' and slightly smaller) within a radius of 80 light years from our planet. Observations with the powerful Keck telescope (Hawaii, USA) for five years to determine the number, mass and orbital distance of the planets orbiting these stars.

The researchers were finding ever-smaller planets, down to the smallest that can be detected at present-the so-called super-Earths ", with a mass three times that of Earth.

"Of every 100 typical solar-type stars, one or two have planets the size of Jupiter, about six have planets the size of Neptune and about 12 have super-Earths with a mass between 3 and 10 Earth masses," Howard explains. "If we extrapolate these results to planets the size of Earth (0.5 Earth masses and 2) our prediction suggests that about 23 planets will be found in 100 stars. "

"This is the first estimate of the fraction of stars that have Earth-sized planets based on actual measurements," says Professor Marcy. Previous studies have estimated the proportion of exoplanets the size of Jupiter and Saturn, but never reached to planets the size of Neptune or super-Earths that would allow extrapolation of results to Earth-sized planets.

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According to Howard, "this means that when NASA developed new techniques over the next decade to detect planets the size of the Earth, it is not necessary to look too far."

As researchers have detected nearby planets, there could also be more Earth-sized planets at farther distances, even within the habitable zone located at about the distance that separates our planet from the Sun's habitable zone is the distance a star where a planet is neither too cold nor too hot, allowing the existence of liquid water.

"The results researchers do not agree with current models of planet formation and migration, "said Marcy. It is thought that after his birth in a protoplanetary disk, the planets follow a spiral inward due to interactions with the gas disk. According to these models comes from a 'wilderness of planets within the solar system.

"Precisely in the area where we found most planets, the models predict we would find not a cactus," said Marcy, "and these results will transform the vision of astronomers about how planets form."

Wade of stars

The astronomers used the 10-meter Keck telescopes to measure the tiny wobble or oscillation of each star. Current techniques to detect planets massive enough to cause an oscillation of 1 meter per second or so.

This implies that only saw massive gaseous planets Jupiter type up to three times the mass of Jupiter (thousand Earth masses) orbiting at a distance of up to 0.25 astronomical units (one AU is about 150 million kilometers, the average distance between Earth and the Sun) from its star, or lower, closer to super-Earth and Neptune-like planets (15 and 30 Earth masses).

Only 22 of these stars have planets detectable (33 planets in total) within this range of masses and orbital distances. After taking into account statistically the fact that some stars were observed more frequently than others, the researchers estimated that approximately 1.6% of solar-type stars in the sample had Jovian-type planets and 12% of they were super-Earths (planets from 3 to 10 Earth masses).

The team concludes that if the trend in increased number of smaller planets, 23% of stars have Earth-like planets.

terrestrial worlds

According to these statistics, Howard and Marcy, who is a member of NASA's Kepler mission to study faint stars 156 000 to find planetary transits, "estimated that the telescope will detect between 120 and 260" plausibly terrestrial worlds " orbiting a dwarf star 10 000 G and K type with orbital periods close less than 50 days.

"One of the goals of astronomy is to find the value 'eta-Earth' (ηTierra), the fraction of solar-type stars with potentially habitable planets," explains Howard. "This is a first estimate and the real figure could be one of eight instead of four. But this will not be one in 100, which is excellent news. "

already twelve planets have been detected as possible, but requires additional confirmation, says Marcy. If these planets candidates included in the count, the team detected a total of 45 planets orbiting 32 stars.

References: Andrew W. Howard, Geoffrey W. Marcy, John Asher Johnson, Debra A. Fischer, Jason T. Wright, Howard Isaacson, Jeff A. Valenti-Jay Anderson, Doug NC Lin and Shigeru Ida. "The Occurrence and Mass Distribution of Close-in Super-Earths, Neptunes, and Jupiters. " Science 330, 29 October 2010.
Original Date: October 28, 2010 Original Link

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

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Of how about swimming lessons and saved illness Taiwan

Firesheep, sniffing for the masses "
Firesheep Probably many you have already read about
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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

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Why sugar dissolves more easily in hot coffee?

The best lover, a mature woman " As you will understand a sentence is not mine, but Benjamin Franklin
In 1745, 39, politician, scientist and inventor, wrote a letter to a younger friend, explaining the virtues of marriage, but also advised him that if he wanted to marry would "take" a mature lover. These were their reasoning:

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Evidence of super-hot early universe "

Using the newly installed Cosmic Origins Spectrograph, or COS, the team identified an age ago 11700 to 11.3 billion years ago when the universe started electrons primordial helium atoms - a process known as ionization. This process prevented heated intergalactic gas that collapse gravitationally to form a new generation of stars in some galaxies small. Less massive galaxies were unable even to maintain their gas, and escaped back into intergalactic space.

Professor of CU-Boulder, Michael Shull, the department of astrophysics and planetary sciences and his team were able to find the telltale sign of spectral absorption lines of helium in the ultraviolet light from a quasar - the bright core of active galaxies. The quasar shines through the clouds middle of what would be otherwise invisible gas, such as a streetlight shining through the fog. The beam allows for a core sample of the gas clouds that lie between the galaxies in the early universe.

The universe went through a wave of initial heat for about 13 billion years, when the energy from the first stars ionized hydrogen mass from the Big Bang. This time period is known as the time of Re-ionization, because hydrogen nuclei were originally in an ionized state shortly after the Big Bang, says Shull, a member of the faculty of the Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy CU-Boulder, or CASA.

A published article on the subject in the October 20 issue of the journal Astrophysical Journal
. The co-authors include researchers associated with France and CASA Kevin Charles Danforth, the researcher HOME postdoctoral Britton Smith and Jason Tumlinson of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.

but Hubble data indicated that it would take another 2000 million years before the universe of ultraviolet radiation sources produce enough energy to perform the task of re-ionize the primordial helium that had been warmed by the Big Bang .

This radiation did not come from the stars, but of quasars, said Shull. In fact, the era in which the helium began to re-ionization corresponds to a transitional period in the history of the universe in which the quasars were plentiful.

The universe was a busy place then, said Shull. Galaxies that collided with increased frequency and supermassive black holes at the cores of galaxies with gas falling inside. Black holes became wildly part of the gravitational energy of this mighty mass of far-ultraviolet radiation that would be thrown out of galaxies. This heated the intergalactic helium from 8000 levels to almost 22000.

After helium reionization, the intergalactic gas was cooled again and the dwarf galaxies could continue its normal assembly. "I imagine that could have formed a few dwarf galaxies if there were no taken place re-ionization of helium, "said Shull.

So far, Shull and his team have only one line of sight from Hubble to measure the transition of helium, but the COS science team plans to use Hubble to look in other directions and see if the re-ionization of helium took place uniformly throughout the universe.

Author: Jim Scott

Original Date: October 7, 2010 Original Link

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Two planets, two stars, a :"

extrasolar planets discovered in orbit around the binary system NN Serpentis, which is located at 1670 light years from Earth.

The most massive of the two white dwarf stars is very small - the exhausted remnant left behind when a star dies Sun-like star is about 2.3 times the diameter of Earth, but a temperature of more of 49,700 degrees Celsius - nearly nine times hotter than the Sun's surface

The other star is larger but cooler, with a mass only one-tenth of the Sun The two stars are bound in an orbit very close.

The Big

Astronomers had a lucky break to observe the binary star system, given that it be in the same plane as the Earth, creating an eclipse every 3 hours and 7 minutes when the star largest passes in front of the child.

The resulting change in the brightness of the system acts as a highly accurate clock. Monitoring the eclipses, the team of astronomers was able to detect small changes in timing caused by the gravitational pull of two planets orbiting a star partner, and pull them by altering the schedule of eclipses.

The system's largest planet is about 5.9 times more massive than Jupiter. Binary stars orbiting once every 15.5 years land within striking distance of some 900 million kilometers. Closer, the second planet orbiting the binary pair every 7.75 years is land and 1.6 times more massive than Jupiter.

An international team of astronomers detected the planetary system using a wide variety of observations taken over two decades from various ground-based telescopes.

Parents binary

Although the discovery of planets outside our solar system is becoming increasingly common, only a tiny fraction of those planets have been found orbiting stars in binary or multiple systems. This is simply because, in these systems, there is little space between the stars forming planets.

Both NN Serpentis planets do not orbit around the binary stars, but the double star system was not always as compact as today. Before, when the current white dwarf star was a normal, twice as massive as the Sun, the two stars was separated by a much greater distance - such observable eclipses that have occurred once every two years.

When the most massive star ended his normal life consumption of hydrogen in its core, is inflated to form a red giant and then absorbed a second star in its diffuse outer sheath. The friction of the companion star moving inside the shell of the red giant finally brought the red giant lost 75% of its mass.

This left only the intensely hot core of the original star and a companion star orbiting relatively harmless now extremely close to the newly formed white dwarf. The

turbulent change from a normal of a compact double star with a hot white dwarf would have been even more dramatic for any planets present beforehand: the loss of 75% of the original mass of the star equivalent to a 75% loss in gravitational force.

This could easily result in the release of planets, sending them speeding through space. Or, simply, could have ended in a dramatic change in the orbit of the planets.

Second option

In a different scenario, planets around NN Serpentis could have been created for only a million years, when issued large amounts of dust and gas from the star to form a more massive version of a protoplanetary disk. From this material, the planets may have formed. That being the case, then it is possible that these massive planets were born, in fact, after the death of the star that allowed its creation.

The study results are published on-line in a recent issue of the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics

In a separate discovery, has recently found a Jupiter-sized extrasolar planet orbiting the star HR 7162, which is a binary star located to 49 light years away in the constellation Lyra. These recent findings are forcing astronomers to rethink theories about how planets form gas giants.

Author: Template

Original Date: October 26, 2010 Original Link

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Monday, October 25, 2010

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San Pedro de la Nave, the Abu Simbel English "

San Pedro de la Nave - - - - Abu Simbel

San Pedro de la Nave is a small church located in the municipality of El Campillo (about 22km. City Zamora ) and like the arch-known Egyptian temple of Abu Simbel , had to be dismantled stone by stone and back to rebuilt to prevent the water from a reservoir did disappear.

guess many of you are thinking:

- What is the Iñaki exaggerated this! Look to compare the majestic colossal Egyptian monument with a small parish lost in the fields of hard to Zamora ... This has been three people.

Well go to parties. I agree that in terms of grandeur and antiquity, the temple of Abu Simbel wins by a landslide. But if you look at the humble and rustic beauty of the stone church, its beautiful decoration, the curious findings that were carried out and its historical and artistic importance ... We found that San Pedro de la Nave is a great little monument totally unique.

The church was built between 680-711 , ie on the eve of the Arab invasion and in full command Visigoth and the main feature of San Pedro de la Nave is that it is one of the few buildings Visigothic that escaped the first Islamic destruction and subsequent reconstruction in other styles then being so very Visigoths few remnants remain.

Moreover, throughout the Iberian Peninsula only San Juan de Baños (Palencia) there is another building that is comparable, although the interior decoration of the church Zamora is unique for its beauty and characteristics.

The reason why it has survived to this day is due to the area that is poor and deserted, enabling it to go unnoticed.

But this neglect that was his salvation, was also about to be his undoing. He was a historian and archaeologist named Manuel Gomez Moreno who realized that the old church was more than a pile of stones that were still standing miracle.


location and appearance of San Pedro de la Nave (1912). He added, alterations and construction defects that were suppressed in their removal.

Their research left no doubt that this was an exceptional building and was Visigothic art and hard work that got the church to be registered and recognized in 1912 as a national historic-artistic monument.

Annotations walk Moreno Gomez field in which he describes some inscriptions and pieces found.

But that did not end the problems of the small temple. Esla river downstream, on whose banks stood the church, he began building the dam Ricobayo and impoundment of underground water would leave the church.

picture in 1930 construction of the dam Ricobayo.

again the tenacity and stubbornness Gomez Moreno, aware of the importance of the building, manages to launch the project to dismantle the church and taken to safety.

In October 1930, 80 years ago and 30 years ahead of Abu Simbel, work began to move. The photos below show different stages of their removal.

and continued moving stone by stone to just leave a lot.

Naturally, the move also moved the "furniture and furnishings" of the church, Christ as the fourteenth century and a carving of St. Benedict XVIII waiting their turn to leave.

While clearing also produced some exceptional discoveries, as a considerable number of Roman tombstones that were reused for the construction of the cornerstones of the church. This finding confirmed a fact that time already had some confidence, the existence of Roman sites in the vicinity.

Currently, these trails are in the Provincial Museum of Zamora.

Another of the surprises in store for the church was found with a horology, a kind of sundial also marked the date of year, recorded in one of the pillars of the temple. But for some unknown reason their production was interrupted and is incomplete, cuts in March.

But perhaps one of the most important discoveries made by Gomez Moreno (although he would not know) was to find a wooden beam embedded in the wall and through of some staples, also of wood, holding a bow.

The wooden beam is kept at the Provincial Museum of Zamora and where there are holes where the nails were embedded.

However, it appeared later that one of these clips had been made from the outermost part of the trunk, so that the testing of carbon-14 on the rings of this clip (it is understood that were the past that had formed before cutting the tree) could put the date of logging in the years 648-695, which would help quite accurately locate the construction of the church.

The result of the work of Gomez Moreno certainly could not be more satisfying and I hope I have convinced that there are so many things that separate this charming and welcoming church, the stunning Abu Simbel ... Bridging the gap, of course.

Location in Google Maps

can visit the church and its schedule of visits can not be more flexible. Any day of the week Christian hours (three in the morning, for example, Christian is not an hour), just have to ask the neighbor who holds the key and accompany them kindly. Each year is a different inhabitant of the people in charge of guarding the keys and are always happy to show visitors the church.

Dedicated to my father, Zamora-blooded.


Church of San Pedro de la Nave. (Wiki)

Church of San Pedro de la Nave. (Many photos and descriptions)

History of San Pedro de la Nave. (page of El Campillo)

Visigothic Art. (

transfer Photographs taken from the book:

The Church of San Pedro of the Nave. ( Studies Institute Florian de Ocampo Zamorano )
