Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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With the appearance of the now defunct Intense Pulsed Light folliculitis dug annoying. With a monthly session from 6 to 8 sessions liberate hair and pimples!

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already begun with short hair removal and get to the summer 2012 without hair! We have intense pulsed light STARBENE latest generation! Seize the promotion of the session of underarm to $ 200. Animate!

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alters the daily shaving irritates the skin, infecting some sectors beard.

In folliculitis is the infection of one or more hair follicles, mainly by Staphylococcus, although it is possible that this type of infection can occur by hongos.El hair follicle grows, becomes painful and typical injury observed is a boil or pus head (whitish-yellow) at the base of the birth of a hair, surrounded by a erythematous (red).

Today the best treatment is permanent hair removal sector beard. It is more common than you think. Try and ends with this problem!

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What is it?

It is a treatment that acts in the epidermis producing effects similar to a superficial peel and dermis increasing pattern of collagen. This greatly facilitates the reduction of wrinkles, dyschromias (age spots), vascular, atrophy (loss of collagen), which until now was not possible to eliminate any non-invasive treatment.
The Photorejuvenation works on all manifestations of aging skin toning down spots and wrinkles.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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The Pyramids of Meroe, Sudan

Http:// The Pyramids of Meroe, Sudan: "
not have the size, the number of tourists to the most famous pyramids in Egypt . But the archaeological complex of pyramids of Meroe in Nubian Desert (northern Sudan ) are imposing from afar, solitary, and framed by huge sand dunes, form a sense of intrigue and other beautiful.

Image Locker Fiver
is located 200 kilometers from the capital of Sudan and complex, preserves the remains of the capital of an ancient kingdom, one of the earliest civilizations in the Nile Valley : the Nubians, also called Kush. Meroe , also refers to the Meroitic Kingdom , a civilization that had its heyday between 400 a. C. and 300 d. C..
Image / BN Chagny

Image Locker Fiver
The Pyramids of Meroe found on the banks of a wide bend of the Nile, and its ruins are revealed palaces, court, temples and the remains of the city proper, with walls, temples smaller shrines and a cemetery with a thousand graves. Although the largest pyramid is less than 30 meters high, more than 100, accentuated angles, and still, impressive.
Le Grand Portage

Fiver Image Locker
Sudan, reportedly lives in the shadow of Egypt in terms of its archaeological riches, but no longer a paradise for archaeologists, a less explored area and many of its secrets still to reveal. So much so that small teams of archaeologists, in each scan Discovered big palaces, and temples in places where not even expected to find anything.
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