Ascension, is the exact response to events, situations, changes, fluctuations and stages, the Earth, the Human Being and all who live there are feeling and see today in the day.
Ascension is not mystical, or esoteric, or shamanism, and witchcraft, or something religious (whatever your religion), or complex, or scientific, or historical, much less, prophets, neither is God or divine punishment, not even a fluke, neither miraculous nor chaotic, nor experimental, and lastly, IS NOT SOMETHING THAT CAN STOP IT IS NOT SOMETHING THAT SHOULD NOT FEAR and IS SOMETHING THAT IS REQUIRED, when you have free will.
Ascension is a cosmic cycle, which happens and is always represented in every Region, Place, Space, Time and Part given the UNIVERSE ........ Nothing escapes the Ascension, or beings, or creatures, or objects, or energy that is diverse, it is a cyclical spiral upward, based on Octave Harmonic and light sequences of Light and Love
Ascension is an upshift Road, step by step you closer to God, is any name you give your God, for the Ascension is color, race, creed, religion, status, size, or age.
Ascension does not start in 2012, nor in the Winter Solstice on December 22 of that year, as the Ascension is present, here and now, on Earth, eons HOME back when Gesture Life here on Earth. Ascension is composed of infinite spiraling movements, each movement, culminating in its previous cycle spiral, ending their journey, every 26,000 years or so, at least Ascension to us in this tiny part of our Galaxy where our solar system, nearly ended his Present Spiral Movement to travez of the twelve zodiacal constellations, and that's when you configure a new spiral of evolution, a sequence above, only one octave (such as musical scales: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si) vibrational frequencies Alta or more conscious awareness of the beings and creatures that we experience life here now.
is not the same Ascension, another upward climb, as the Ascension is the sum total of all upward spiral, so this Ascension of almost 7.000 million people who currently live in Earth is home for billions of years, and every 26,000 years, has formed a new upward spiral.
New Ascending Spiral, part of our ascension, began in 2012 when the Solar System as a whole, reaches the end of his previous tour of 26.000 years, and start a new tour, starting in the constellation Aquarius, as we emerge from the constellation of Pisces (in fact, since we are traveling between the two Constellations), and here please do not think we're talking about Astrology or anything esoteric sciences, or mysticism or shamanism we are talking of cosmic cycles only, and is a return to cycle through something, and if we add the word Ascension, then became an upward cycle, which form a new Coil, "up", just that, and if their movement is "up" then why is formed a spiral, it is a circle that returns to its origin, but more "up" to where he started, and that is what is called Higher Octave.
200.000 years ago or so, we were Neanderthals, in our present spiral of evolution, part of the ascension that began thousands of millions of years, perhaps, about 4.500 million years .- Then, for more or less 40.000 years, evolving from the Cro-Magnon race, then a few thousand years ago, we Homo Sapiens, and then, very quickly, we evolved Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
So why the fuss over this new evolutionary spiral coming up?, Simply because every time are shorter TIMES that the human being, evolution from one stage to another, and always greatly enhance As all physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, each time this quantum leap is made.
And now, it is a step in a developmental stage to another, but that is a leap of Dimension to another, it is called Quantum Leap, because in previous evolutionary changes of Being People always remained with his DNA on the basis of element carbon, and in this Third Dimension, now comes the change in their DNA elements silicon, or be the basis of quartz crystal, glass or DNA, and if you look at a periodic table of chemical elements, you will see that the element carbon to elemental silicon, There is, yes, EIGHT STEPS, that is an octave higher ..... coincidentally?, NO, is a causality, because it has its Cause and Effect.
a quantum leap, happens when the atom is modified due to Forces "outside", to "oblige" Mutar internally, and therefore structurally modify it, changing their morphology to other elements .- The light particles, called photons, will be the cause of this change in the atom of matter Third Dimension, "by sliding" toward a more subtle dimensions and higher frequencies, which find their resonance .- Therefore, the morphology of the human being mutated to the element silicon, glass base, which is a highly intelligent, but , let us ask that all chips are made to move all computers in the world, another coincidence? Of course not, we are taking a quantum leap in elevation of frequency in a Fibonacci spiral, which is the basis of human genetic composed of crystalline structure.
Salto, because the mutation of DNA, does not pass the 3 rd to 4 th Dimension, but the Fifth, then it is a Third Jump the Fifth Dimension.
Finally, in the mystical philosophy, the word Christ, it means a very high spiritual level, a Christ self, a level that is beyond the common level of human being, and calls attention to the DNA mutate into the silicon, carbon ceasing to be, and if the silicon is the base of the glass, then the level of individual atoms that make up the New Human Being, Crystal will (not be confused with common glass that we know), will be a Ser Christic, or whether it reached the level ..... Christ merged with the Christ Self, to meet the developmental level of HOMO SAPIENS CHRIST, Human Wise ............. that's Christic the new step ahead in the ladder Ascension to D'S.