Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Help Pokemon On Ti 84 Plus

La Noche de San Juan ... !


Harmonize your Home

A green candle A purple candle bowls
A handful of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts or chestnuts
A white paper tablecloth or
The ritual:

On 23 June at 12 at night, prepare an altar, covering a table with a tablecloth
or white paper.
Place the green candle, and to the right next to each other, put the three bowls
with nuts, and finally the purple candle.
Light the candles, pray for harmony, say an Our Father and end by thanking.

A blue candle
A common ivy leaf
A piece of paper

The ritual:

On 23 June at 12 at night, light the blue candle, and place under your pillow
a common ivy leaf and a paper they've written your order.
next day burn the paper, and bury the ashes and ivy leaf in the garden
or in a pot.

Protect your home

21 drops of oil or almond oil 1 tablespoon vinegar

3 liters of water 1 large bowl

The ritual:
On 23 June at 12 at night, mix all the liquid in the pan, stirring
in the opposite direction of clockwise.
With this mix, clean all door frames, starting with those farthest from the main entrance (this is the last to be clean).
When done, thanks to San Juan praying the Our Father.

Get harmony with your partner
a pink candle
almonds orange flower water or perfume on both
The ritual:
June 23 at 12 pm, in a Almond enter your name and the other the pair.
Perfúmelas with orange blossom water or a mixture of the fragrance of both, and leave them in your bedroom next to each other.
Then light the pink candle, pray for the harmony of the couple and give thanks, pray the Our Father. Next day cómase